Blansko - Gateway to the Moravian Karst

Blansko is the ideal starting point for hikes and cycle tours through the Moravian Karst.

The dominant landmark of the town is the Renaissance chateau which has recently undergone complete renovation. You will find historical interiors with carved coffered ceilings here, along with permanent exhibitions on the history of and research in the Moravian Karst conceived as karst caves, along with a great many other items of regional interest.

The wooden church that travelled to Blansko from Sub-Carpathian Ukraine by train in 1936 is certainly a unique structure.

Another of Blansko’s churches is the Church of Saint Martin, whose tower both provides a wonderful view of the town and contains what is probably one of the oldest bells in Moravia, known as Poledník (Meridian). The church is also the last resting place of Caroline Meineke who was the first wife of King of England William IV, and whose destiny was closely connected with Blansko.